
What is HSP?

H(Heightened)     H(Health)
S(Sensory)             S(Smile)
P(Perception)       P(Peace)

 HSP (Heightened Sensory Perception) refers to the ability to perceive information when the normal five senses are restricted. HSP is distinct from ESP (Extrasensory Perception) in that anyone can develop this HSP power through proper training of the brain.

What is the purpose of developing HSP?

The purpose of HSP is to awaken the potential senses of the brain so that it may develop its ability to more effectively handle and manage information. This then leads to increased individual capabilities, allowing one to make great contributions to a better society

for more info. click here http://www.brainolympiad.org/01_introduce/introduce06.asp


What is HSP movement?

The HSP Movement is a network of organizations and individuals who share the same vision and values to create a world in which Health, Smile (Happiness) and Peace are the norm for humanity. Dahn Foundation reaches widely into communities to generate greater awareness of and provide training in HSP.


What is the Dahn Foundation?

The Dahn Foundation is a non-profit organization of Dahn Yoga centers. Its mission is to share Dahn Yoga trainings and tools with those who do not readily have access to Dahn Yoga Centers, to enhance the health, happiness and peace of individuals, families, groups and communities. This is achieved by staff and volunteers well trained in the educational and health/healing principles and practices of Dahn Yoga. Dahn Foundation is a participant of the HSP Movement.

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